The 2000 Centurion event, billed as The Captain Barclay Millennium Challenge, offered distances of 50 miles, 100 km, 100 miles and 1000 furlongs (125 miles). It was held on an excellent course adjacent to the Rowley Mile racecourse at Newmarket on 12-13 August. A memorable reception attended by the Mayor of Newmarket and other local dignitaries and superbly organised by Ron Wallwork C893 the evening before the race, marked it out as a special occasion, plus the race began by walkers starting from the centre of Newmarket and following the historic route to the racecourse.

The start time of 3pm on Saturday 12th August was perhaps fortuitous as the afternoon temperature touched 25oC and conditions were very trying for the first few hours.  Although no one managed to reach the 1000 furlong post, 22 of the 55 starters reached 100 miles, Ian Statter C968 led the 10 new Centurions to the finish in a convincing time of 19.11.12. Of the 6 new British Centurions, three (Maureen Latham C974, Dave Eldridge C975 and Norman Smith C976), were from the Isle of Wight. The last of the Centurion finishers, Piet Van de Kroft C977, made his objective with 4 minutes 33 seconds to spare.

Everyone involved in the weekend’s proceedings seemed delighted at the success of the event and happy for the organiser, Ron Wallwork C893 and 1966 Commonwealth Games champion, who had worked tirelessly for over a year to make sure the Millennium Challenge was truly a memorable occasion. All participants received a pin (Millennium Member of the Racecourse) and a beautiful engraved medal (Captain Barclay Challenges).

Results 2000 Newmarket