2005 Kings Lynn

Kings Lynn 2005

30/31 July


Position Competitor Club Time New C
1 S Hands Manx Harriers 19.02.57 C1014
2 S Brown C735 Surrey WC 19.25.07 1st Lady
3 I Statter C968 Surrey WC 19.52.51
4 R Brown C760 Surrey WC 20.33.00
5 D Jones C987 Redcar RWC 20.37.42
6 P v d Kroft RWV RWV 20.41.39
7 R De Wolf  C980 RWV  20.44.50
8 C de Jong C929 RWV 21.01.02
9 K Marshall C1001 Ilford AC  21.09.49
10 C Flint C849 London Vidarians 21.13.05
11 H v d Knaap C938 RWV 21.16.43
12 M Fisher C788 York C.I.U.  21.24.37
13 E Harkin Unattached  21.33.59 C1015
14 R Crelin Unattached  21.33.59 C1016            2nd Lady
15 M Lambiotte Marche Floret 21.41.00 C1017
16 J Visser C944 RWV 21.41.55
17 P King C972 Belgrave Harriers 22.08.47
18 C Duhig C986 Loughton AC 22.09.40 3rd Lady
19 D Boxhall C464 Seaford Harriers 22.11.10
20 W Vermeulen RWV 22.12.59 C1018
21 T Collins C688 Birchfield Harriers 22.19.06
22 F Derijke RWV 22.21.12 C1019
23 K Howard Southend AC 22.23.39 C1020                4th Lady
24 H Fairhurst C983 Lancs WC 22.35.37 5th Lady
25 T Plate C1021 RWV 22.37.10 C1021
26 Frans Lejtens C949 RWV 22.41.49
27 Paul Altena C988 De LAT 22.49.42
28 Frank van der Gulik De LAT 23.02.23 C1022
29 Keith Wilkinson Unattached 23.02.32 C1023
30 Dermot O’Toole Unattached 23.08.42 C1024
31 Marcel Dekker C957 De LAT 23.12.50
32 Ken Watts C859 London Vidarians 23.16.03
33 Hans de Vries OLAT 23.16.54 C1025
34 Jens Borello A.A. Kirkeby 23.17.36 C1026
35 Selwyn Callister Unattached 23.18.09 C1027
36 Fans Devoght C994 RWV 23.28.55
37 Joop Flipse RWV C1028
38 Rod Hollands Unattached 23.47.58 C1029


Centurion Awards


First male Centurion Hammond Trophy Ian Statter C968
First female Centurion Bristol Trophy Sandra Brown C735
First new Centurion Hew Neilson C145 Trophy Sean Hands C1014
First male finisher over 65 years old Eddy McNeir Shield Jaap Visser C944
Youngest finisher Bill King Memorial Trophy Frank van der Gulik C1022


Team results


“Ko van der Kwaak Cup” – British Centurions versus Dutch Centurions (6 to score)

Awarded to British Centurions:
Sandra Brown C735 (2), Ian Statter C968, (2), Richard Brown C760 (4), David Jones C987 (5), Kevin Marshall C1001 (9) and Chris Flint C849 (10).  Total 33 points


Dutch Centurions

Piet van der Croft C977 (6), Co de Jong C929 (8), Hans van der Knaap C938 (11), Jaap Visser C944 (16), Theo Plate C1021 (25) and Frans Leijtens C949 (26).  Total 92 points



Sunday Despatch Open Team  (3 to score)

Awarded to the Dutch
Holland: (RVW Rotterdam) Piet vd Kroft C977, Robert de Wolf C981 and Co de JongC929.   Total 282 Points
England: Sean Hands C1014, Ian Statter C968 and Richard Brown C760.                                    Total 295 Points


Thanks are due to Gerrit de Jong C456 for producing a summary of the Kings Lynn 2005 100 mile race results