2015 IoM 100 miles

Isle of Man 100 miles

15-16 August 2015

Promoted by the Manx Race Walkers

Thirty two walkers qualified as Centurions.

See  You Tube video of the race for a video of the race


The Hon. Secretary wrote:

“To have so many new Centurions at one event is quite exceptional and once again shows the determination of people of all ages to achieve this tough challenge. It was good to see participants from a number of different countries.

The organising committee together with the sponsorship of Tower Insurance worked very hard to make this a most enjoyable event and a highly competitive one too with the race lead fluctuating during the 24 hours. In the end Vinny Lynch C.1107 won in an excellent time of 19.14.21, with Janette Morgan the first lady in 20.23.11 who finished strongly


Results 2015_Castletown,IoM