2010 Colchester
/in Past 100 Mile Walks, Race Results, Race Results 2010/by Cent2020The route of the Colchester 100 (in support of the “Help for Heroes” charity) incorporated a sharp incline within Castle Park making the route even more difficult.
Out of the 25 who started, 4 completed 100 miles for the first time and became Centurions, including the Spanish walker Jose-Mora Bernardo, a previous Paris-Colmar race competitor.
The race was won by Sandra Brown C36 in 20:23:30, G. Heunks C1068 R.W.V. Holland was 2nd in 20:57:37 and 3rd was F. van der Gulik, LAT in 21:11:41.
Once again, Vice-Captain Piet Jensens C389 brought a contingent of European competitors to our event of whom the R.W.V. Holland were the winning team.
Chris Flint C849 completed his 20th UK 100 and became the third person to have his name inscribed on the Fred Baker Plate. After the walk he still had sufficient energy and drive to organise the presentation of the prizes.
Bristol Trophy
Awarded to First Female – (existing Centurion) at the 100 Mile mark in a 100 mile race or a greater distance race.
2010: Sandra Brown
Hammond Trophy
Awarded to the First Male and existing Centurion at the 100 Mile mark in a 100 miles or greater distance race.
2010 – Gerard Heunks of RWV – 1st Male 20.57.37
Hew Nielson Trophy (145 Trophy)
Awarded to the first new Centurions in a 100 miles race
2010 – Bernado Jose Mora (SPA) in 21.48.31 3rd male – Centurion 1079
Presented by Pam Ficken (daughter of Hew Neilson) President Race Walking Association
Bill King Memorial Cup
Awarded to the youngest competitor to finish 100 miles
2010 – Bernie Ball (Manx Harriers) 2nd Lady in 22.56.03 Centurion 1080
Eddy McNeir Trophy
Awarded to the first male walker, aged 65 years of age or over on the day of the race who completes 100 miles within 24 hours.
2010 – Jaap Visser (RWV) C.944 finishing in a time of 22.36.36.
Jaap was unwell after the finish and was unable to attend the presentation. Jaap is 73 years old and walked solidly throughout the whole 24 hours.
Ko van der Kwaak Trophy: British vs Dutch Centurions 100 mile race.
Awarded to the winning team (6 to start, 3 to score) of existing Centurions. Team score on positions. Presented by the Centurion Vereniging Nederland in 1966
2010 – Holland (G.Heunks, F. van der Gulik, F. Leitjens, J.Visser, J. Koning)
Sunday Dispatch Cup – Presented to the Winning Team.
2010 – RWV (Gerard Heunks, Frans Leitjens, Jaap Visser)
Position |
Race No. |
Name |
Club |
Country |
Time |
Centurion No. |
1st |
1 |
Sandra Brown (1st F) |
Surrey WC |
20.23.30 |
C.735 |
2nd |
22 |
Gerard Heunks |
20:57:37 |
C.1068 |
3rd |
11 |
Frank van der Gulik |
SV de LAT Amsterdam |
21.11.41 |
C.1022 |
4th |
15 |
Bernardo Jose Mora |
C.A.B. Siurell |
21.48.31 |
C.1079* |
5th |
8 |
Frans Leijtens |
RWV Rotterdam |
22.25.49 |
C.949 |
6th |
10 |
Jaap Visser |
22.36.36 |
C.944 |
7th |
17 |
Bernie Ball (2nd F) |
Manx Harriers |
22.56.03 |
C.1080* |
8th |
19 |
Richard William Spenceley |
Yorkshire Race WC |
22.56.03 |
C.1081* |
9th |
3 |
Chris Flint |
LondonVidarians |
23.22.01 |
C.849 |
10th |
13 |
Coert Peters |
SV de LAT |
23.23.15 |
C.1082* |
11th |
4 |
Martin Fisher |
Redcar RWC |
23.30.39 |
C.788 |
12th |
9 |
Johan Koning |
SV de LAT |
23.31.58 |
C.1072 |
13th |
7 |
Sean Pender |
Enfield & Haringey AC |
23.39.50 |
C.1067 |
* New Centurions |
14th |
16 |
Sailash Shah |
Lancashire Walking Club |
23.44.37 |
94 miles 46 yards |
15th |
23 |
Serena Queeney (F) |
Enfield & Haringey AC |
23.33.50 |
92 miles 61 yards |
16th |
20 |
Tony Hill |
23.35.22 |
88 miles 22 yards |
Finished but not classified |
25 |
David Toms |
Brendon Fern Hopppers |
23.39.50 |
64 miles 95 yards |
Results 2010 2010_Colchester
2009 Newmarket
/in Past 100 Mile Walks, Race Results, Race Results 2009/by Cent2020The Barclay Bicentenary 100 miles
This Centurion qualifying event, incorporating the RWA National Long Distance championship, started on a fairly tough course of 50 two mile laps at Newmarket Racecourse. Despite a seven hour downpour during the night 28 people completed the hundred within 24 hours. There were eleven new Centurions, 4 of them English and 7 from overseas. Sandra Brown’s (C735) hundred increased her grand total to 135 events of 100 miles or more, a feat that will probably never be matched, and her time of 19.57.24 was a W60 world best.
by Dave Ainsworth C540
Back in 2009 famous jockey Richard Dunwoody successfully completed a challenge to emulate Captain Robert Barclay Allardice’s feat of walking 1,000 miles in 1,000 hours along that same Newmarket route. Captain Barclay (1779-1854), who was commissioned in the 23rd Regiment of Foot, struck a 1,000 guineas wager that he’d succeed – which he did from 1st June-to-12th July 1809. Richard Dunwoody’s successful completion came on the 200th Anniversary, walking from 29th May-to-10th July.
Closing stages were slightly altered so it finished at Newmarket’s July Course, where Channel 4 were televising a major meeting, so affording maximum publicity. Mr. Dunwoody’s efforts attracted much sponsorship and a considerable sum was raised, which was divided among 4 worthy charities. It was one of the best supported events ever in race walking – for instance most of Essex Walkers readers showed up in Newmarket during the 6 weeks’ duration, as signatures in a thick visitors’ book shows. Many came more than once, some several times, as so many walked those 1 mile legs with Richard, encouraging him to keep going towards his 1,000 target. In those 6 weeks, a day out to Newmarket to be part of this occasion became a regular occurrence. It wasn’t just walkers as several dignitaries and local celebrities dropped in to give encouragement and pledge donations. Among notables signing that visitors’ book were Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Maktoum, owner of so many top racehorses – and actress Honeysuckle Weeks, best known as Samantha Stewart (later Wainwright) in the WW2 drama “Foyle’s War”. Due to good local publicity so many motorists driving along Newmarket’s busy Bury Road continually “tooted” their support for Richard.
This anniversary has been a regular event on our calendar, except for the past 2 years when “lockdowns” kicked-in. The format is coffee at the upmarket 4* Bedford Lodge Hotel and Spa, which was a base for 6 weeks’ effort and outside which a mile leg commenced/finished. Then a gentle social walk along the stretch of road that feats of 1809 & 2009 were staged on, followed by lunch at the hotel. Most years saw good turnouts, but this year it was down due to a number of reasons. For instance 2 previous years of Covid had caused a break in continuity, July 2022 saw Covid levels worryingly rising, there was a heatwave which resulted in some crying off, and – sadly – there are less of us about from that memorable 2009 occasion. But importantly, the tradition’s continuity was maintained, and hopefully more will make it in 2023 and beyond. Commented organiser Ron Wallwork, “There weren’t many of us, but it was a lovely day with lots of credit to Jon and daughter Jenny who completed four circuits in four hours”.
L-to-R Glyn Jones, Pam Ficken, Mick Graham, Ron Wallwork, Jenny, and Jon May at the front door of Bedford Lodge Hotel.
2007 Battersea Park London
/in Past 100 Mile Walks, Race Results, Race Results 2007/by Cent2020Battersea Park 100 miles/24 hour 2007

2007_Start Line
1 1031 Marcelino Sobczak Netherland A.V. Unitas Sittard 19.14.08
2 1022 Frank van der Gulik Netherland S.V de LAT Amsterdam 20.25.36
3. 1009 Boetje Huliselan Netherland OLAT St.Oedenrode 21.07.53
4 849 Chris Flint GBR London Vidarians 21.14.40
5 1055 Annie van der Meer Netherland R.W.V. Rottterdam 21.18.00 1st lady
6 957 Marcel Dekker Netherland S.V. de LAT Amsterdam 21.27.04
7 1038 Andrew Titley I.O.M. Veterans AC 21.34.46
8 1056 David Findel Hawkins GBR Milton Keynes AC 21.57.13
9 980 Robert de Wolf Belgium R.W.V. Rotterdam 22.10.27
10 789 Oliver Browne GBR Ilford AC 22.11.41
11 1057 Harm Voortman S.V. de LAT Amsterdam 22.32.42
12 1004 Connie Raijmakers Netherland OLAT St.Oedenrode 23 9.14 2nd lad
12 1005 Huib Raijmakers Netherland OLAT St.Oedenrode 22.39.14
14 1058 Ludo Schaerlaeckens Belgium Sparta Bornem 22.41.28
15 929 Co de Jong Netherland R.W.V. Rotterdam 22.48.41
16 788 Martin Fisher GBR Unattached 22.49.20
17 688 Anthony Collins GBR Birchfield Harriers 22.58.13
18 977 Piet van der Kroft Netherland R.W.V. Rotterdam 23.01.49
19 1059 Karsten Köhler Germany Unattached 23.07.10
20 1060 Rik Weverbergh Belgium OLAT St.Oedenrode 23.10.38
21 986 Cath Duhig GBR Loughton AC 23.28.11 3rd lady
22 1061 Caroline Mestdagh Belgium R.W.V. Rotterdam 23.37.45 4th lady
22 1062 Rudy Schoors Belgium R.W.V. Rotterdam 23.37.45
24 1054 Hedwig Vandeputte Belgium R.W.V. Rotterdam 23.42.41
25 912 Kevin Perry GBR Southend A.C 23.44.30
26 938 Hans van der Knaap R.W.V. Rotterdam 23.45.43
27 898 Jill Green GBR London Vidarians 23.49.42 5th lady
28 958 Ken Watts GBR London Vidarians 23.51.16
Open team prize, Sunday Dispatch Trophy:
s.v. de L.A.T. (Frank van der Gulik, Marcel Dekker, Harm Voortman)
Annual Centurion Match: Ko van der Kwaak Cup (British Centurions versus Dutch Centurions):
Dutch Centurions (Marcelino Sobczak, Frank van der Gulik, Boetje Huliselan, Marcel Dekker, Huib en Conny Raijmakers)
Hammond Cup:
First male Centurion, Marcelino Sobczak
Bristol Trophy:
First female Centurion Connie Raijmakers
Hew Neilson Trophy:
First new Centurion, Annie van der Meer
Chas Shelley Trophy
First female finisher at/over 65 years age, : Jill Green
Bill King Memorial Trophy:
Youngest finisher, Frank van der Gulik
Our thanks to Gerrit de Jong C456 for summarising the race results 2007_Battersea
2006 Douglas, Isle of Man
/in Past 100 Mile Walks, Race Results, Race Results 2006/by Cent2020In 2006 the Centurions accepted the invitation from the Isle of Man Veterans Athletics Club to hold the annual 100 mile/24 hour race at the National Sports Centre in Ramsey on 19-20 August.
The course of just over ¾ mile included a lap of the Douglas track and a lap of the famous Douglas Bowl. It was another well organised, successful race.
For the first time in a 100 mile walk in the UK, chip timing was used, enabling certified laps and timing.
The race achieved a remarkable number of new Centurions; out of 76 starters, 42 completed the 100 miles, 25 being new Centurions.
Sean Hands C1014, led throughout the event to win in 19:16:03, ahead of Sandra Brown C735 whose second place finish in 19:28:38 constituted her 21st UK 100 mile finish, finally putting her ahead of Hew Neilson’s 20 finishes.