Be inspired by the following accounts written by walkers who qualified as  Centurions.

Cliff Royle C148

Chris Bolton C332

Steve King C492

Ole Steen C594

Jack Thomas C606

Keith Chesterton C704

Carl Lawton C750

David Watson C881

George Foot C885

Bill Sutherland C890

Ron Wallwork C893

Jill Green C898

Ian Garmston C899

Parminda Bhatti C909

Sue Clements C950

Norman Smith C976

Richard McChesney C1131

Jayne Farquhar C1132

Martin Payne C1153

Rob Robertson C1169

John Borgars C1170

All Centurions are invited to provide an account or jottings describing what becoming a Centurion meant to you, where it led etc., and any other anecdotes, press cuttings etc. you would like captured for posterity. If you wish to submit one please contact the Hon. Secretary.