The Committee manages the affairs of the Centurions.

The Centurions’ affairs are managed by elected four Officers plus a Committee which meets three or four times a year. The Committee is always looking for Centurions to join existing members to help shape our future. If you are interested in joining us, or helping with a specific task for a specific period of time please contact the Hon. Secretary for further information.

All Centurions are entitled to attend and give their views at any General Committee meeting provided they have notified the Hon. Secretary at least seven clear days before the meeting takes place.

The AGM is held at the beginning of each year, generally January.  All Centurions are welcome to attend, contribute to discussions and vote. Committee elections are conducted at the AGM so notice of forthcoming vacant posts and an invitation to propose nominations are included with the Christmas Newsletters from the President and Captain.

2024 AGM Saturday 27th January 2024 (via Zoom)

Draft 2024 AGM Minutes

2023 AGM Saturday 28th January

15 Centurions attended the AGM at the Leicestershire County Cricket Club.

Pam Ficken C 934, our President for the past four years, stood down. The meeting expressed their thanks for all she had done during her term of office. Pam is succeeded by David Jones C987.

Our Captain Martin Fisher C788 stood down after four active years. The nomination for Roger Michell C721 to succeed him was accepted.

The position of Assistant Secretary remains vacant and the committee would be pleased to receive enquiries from Centurions interested in the role or assisting with some tasks.

2023 AGM Agenda

2023 AGM Hon. Secretary Report

2023 AGM Web Manager & Archive Report

2023 AGM Post-Meeting Report

2023 100 Miles in 24 Hours: 19th – 20th August 2023

As last year’s race using the cycle circuit at Middlesbrough Sports Village proved to be a convenient and successful venue the committee have agreed the 2023 race will be held there again.. We look forward to attracting a large field keen to take up the challenge of qualifying as a Centurion. Entry details are available on the Future Events page.

Past AGM Minutes

2022 AGM

2021 AGM

2020 AGM

2019 AGM

2018 AGM