Committee for 2024 – 2025

President: Dave Jones C987

Past President: Pam Ficken C934

Chair Vacant
Hon. Secretary Chris Flint C849
Treasurer Richard Cole C928
Captain Roger Michel C724
Vice Captain Frans Leijtens C949
Social Walks Steve Kemp C1075
Merchandise Chris Flint C849
Website Jonathan Hobbs C1212
Archivist Jonathan Hobbs C1212
Committee Carl Lawton C750
Committee Martin Fisher C788

The Committee manages the affairs of the Centurions.

The Centurions’ affairs are managed by elected four Officers plus a Committee which meets three or four times a year. The Committee is always looking for Centurions to join existing members to help shape our future. If you are interested in joining us, or helping with a specific task for a specific period of time please contact the Hon. Secretary for further information.

All Centurions are entitled to attend and give their views at any General Committee meeting provided they have notified the Hon. Secretary at least seven clear days before the meeting takes place.

The AGM is held at the beginning of each year, generally January.  All Centurions are welcome to attend, contribute to discussions and vote. Committee elections are conducted at the AGM so notice of forthcoming vacant posts and an invitation to propose nominations are included with the Christmas Newsletters from the President and Captain.

Please direct all communications etc, through the Hon. Secretary.  Contact The Hon Secretary